Institute of Global Energy Education

Endorsement date


The Institute of Global Energy Education ((The Institute(‘s)) would be pleased to support the vision of SMR development in Canada.  We are a U.S. based Global Non-Profit focused on promoting education in the energy industry taking a science and unbiased approach to presenting accurate facts across all technologies for the general public.  We are actively pursuing a presence in Canada in the future along with funding.  Our Purpose, Vision, Mission and Plan of Action are provided below for your consideration.

The Institute agrees with and can commit to Canada’s SMR Statement of Principles.  We agree with the Canadian Vision that “Small Modular Reactors as a source of safe, clean, affordable energy, opening opportunities for a resilient, low-carbon future and capturing benefits for Canada and Canadians” is on target.  We especially agree that new nuclear energy, together with the full range of low carbon technologies, are needed to combat global climate change and meet emission targets globally.   Canada’s current and future action plans may be the pilot program the rest of the world will model.  The Institute would like to be part of this world pilot and believe we can significantly contribute.

Based on the Institute’s Vision, Mission and capabilities, The Institute can support all four Pillars identified in the Roadmap by providing educational opportunities for stakeholders as needed. We understand that Canada’s Roadmap presents transformational management challenges that The Institute can positively influence by bridging the educational gaps along the way to implementation.


The Institute of Global Energy Education’s (Institute’s) purpose is to fill existing knowledge gaps in how energy works and its impacts on people and the planet. We support making policies consistent with physics to meet the challenges of Climate Change while meeting the need for more energy. We plan to achieve this through energy education, translating complex technical issues into comprehensible concepts, bridging the gap between energy fact and fiction.


The Institute’s Vision is to be the leading source of accurate, unbiased, and easily understood energy information supporting valid global energy policy making towards a healthier and sustainable low carbon environment.


The Institute’s Mission is to be the premiere global education partner for energy stakeholders, supporting valid research and providing unbiased objective education on all aspects of the holistic energy cycle.


The Institute aspires to become the premiere energy education partner by developing and implementing programs in the following three primary channels:

  1. Higher Education Programs through collaboration, including Concentrations and Degrees in Energy Administration. Concentrations would be available to those studying Law, Economics, Political Science, History, Education, and other non-technical degree fields so they understand how energy works. We envision developing multi-discipline Centers of Energy Education to reflect how pervasive and important energy is in modern civilization. We believe educating future secondary school teachers about how energy works is critical, to empower them to convey accurate information when asked about energy and to inspire the next generation of energy practitioners. 
  2. Government and Industry Engagement Programs will educate the workforce, both public and private. This education will take the form of workshops and classes for specific companies and industry organizations, and for individuals that have professional development requirements. It will include online and in-person courses plus collaboration with professional associations.
  3. Institute-Sponsored Programs for individual professionals and the public. These include research grants, In-House studies, and white papers; holding symposiums and public outreach programs with local and regional civic and educational entities; and acting as an information clearinghouse. We will stay abreast of new energy initiatives and how they interact with the environment, climate, and society, including both intended and unintended consequences.

We seek not to reinvent but to enhance proven programs of information and education.  The Institute believes that educating those with or without a technical background about how energy works, from cradle to grave, in a technically neutral and intellectually impartial manner is necessary for society to achieve climate and environmental goals that are beneficial for all.

Accordingly, the Institute will apply supported science, engineering results, and best practices so non-technical experts can understand and better communicate with energy experts at an informed level with respect to how Energy is collected, converted, transmitted, distributed, and utilized in any technology.  In this endeavor we perpetuate both science and the liberal arts, and the common ideals of both.  Given the pace of change and innovation in Energy production and use, our programs will educate students to better target energy technology changes, and will enable professionals to gain the tools and training to understand and communicate the implications of technology relative to social goals while ensuring the security and integrity of the power grid. Together, they can effectively collaborate to address society’s need for sustainable energy.